Welcome Message to the 50th Congress of the Japan Epilepsy Society
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 50th Congress of the Japan Epilepsy Society will take place in Shizuoka from the 7th to the 9th October in 2016, and we warmly invite you to join us for this anniversary event.
On the occasion of 50 years of society with a main theme of "Science and Art of Epilepsy", we will review the history of scientific as well as artistic aspects of epileptology and view the scientific up-dates and the prospect of the art of epileptology. We also plan to exhibit artworks by people with or related to epilepsy, in addition to some movies relating with epilepsy.
The scientific program includes symposiums, workshops, special lectures, educational lectures, and platform and poster presentations on the whole spectrum of clinical practices and the basic aspects of epilepsy.
The Congress is calling for abstract submissions from foreign delegates (including foreign delegates currently in Japan) for the English session (oral/poster presentation). The registration fee for the first author will be waived on this occasion.
We sincerely look forward to your participation. I believe you will find this meeting a highly worthwhile investment of your time.
Shizuoka is the place where the first epilepsy center of Japan was established 40 years ago.
Shizuoka is the city famous for Mount Fuji which is a world heritage.
Mount Fuji will welcome you with a comfortable weather in October.
We look forward to welcoming you in Shizuoka.
With our best wishes,
Chair, Yushi INOUE
Co-chair, Yukitoshi TAKAHASHI
Secretary, Kiyohito TERADA