Invitation to Japan Epilepsy Society Scholarship 2024

Conditions for application

The applicant should fulfill the following conditions:
1. A medical doctor
2. Scheduled to engage in research for at least 6 months in a Japanese institute during 2025
3. Below 35 years of age (< 35) at the time of application
4. At the time of application, the applicant should have already found a research institute in Japan which is willing to accept him/her for training (the receiving institute), and should have decided the study period. The potential supervisor at the receiving institute (the recommending person), who should be a member of JES, should be willing to recommend the applicant, apply on his/her behalf, and be the contact person during the selection process and study period.


The scholar should present the research results at the Annual Conference of JES either during the study period or within one year after the study period.
 The scholar should submit a JES award report either during the study period or within one year after the study period. As the content, a brief document including general impression and the scientific summary or abstract is appropriate, and an original article is not necessarily needed. It will appear in the JES English journal “Epilepsy and Seizure”( https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/eands/).

Application procedures and scholarship contents

Application procedures and scholarship contents
1. The scholarship is scheduled to be award to two scholars for 2025
2. The applicant should first find a receiving institute and send all relevant application documents to the receiving institute (not directly to JES). The recommending person at the receiving institute then submits a recommendation letter and the applicant’s curriculum vitae to the secretariat of JES (E-mail: jes-oas@umin.ac.jp).
3. The recommending person will be the contact person during the selection process and study period.
4. For each scholar, the scholarship will be \500,000 (Japanese Yen) including research and living expenses. Another \100,000 will be paid for one-way travel to Japan. Receipt of other research funds is permitted.
5. The research expense and travel expense will be paid by the Japan Epilepsy Society to the recommending person.
6. The deadline of application is July 31, 2024

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日本てんかん学会 事務局

E-MAIL: jes-oasumin.ac.jp
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